fredag 27 februari 2009

MY GOD. Painting is boring. One wall of four is now pink, the other ones're beige. Don't wanna paint no more now, so I'll just do it tomorrow!
...Hehe...Btw. Step up 2 the streets is one good movie!

söndag 22 februari 2009 ..That is good music!
In 2 hours, I'm taking the train to the city to meet some friends.But, hey wait a second...Louise has a life? SOMG, maybe I just should go lie in my bed for a couple of hours, before things gets too out of hand!

lördag 21 februari 2009

I'm giving Stieg Larsson a second chance. Pier pressure. But if it doesn't work this time, him and I are so over!
It's snow for sure. In Borlänge. Here in Stockholm, just a thin layer. I want spring nooow!
Me and a friend bleached some jeans. Looks like shit. So I'm re-bleachin...Gotta love the smell of chlorine..
Great picture, I know! I'm the best!!111

fredag 20 februari 2009


torsdag 19 februari 2009

Studied math in 5hours. Love it! ...Hehe, all I write about here is school and music.
Chocolate cravingS.

tisdag 17 februari 2009

Man, do I hate math. Or at least geometry...VG on my test. The test was built up by 2 G- (easy) 2 VG- (medium) and 2 MVG-(hard) problems.. Guess what I got. 3 G-points and 1 MVG-point. That is just so bad. Got a VG on the whole test. I should really start doing my homework....
And btw, Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you very very much.....Lily Allen is damn fine!

måndag 16 februari 2009

Volbeat - Find that soul. It is so beautiful it hurts.Don't know what to do.
Mmmmgod, swedish bonbon is the best. Just what I need after today. Math test and swedish stuff. I just can't speak slow in front of an audience. Hoping for a VG, haha I suck!

lördag 14 februari 2009

Valentine's day. A day that exists just to make us singles feel bad about ourselves (and ofc so the stores can sell a lot of heart-shaped crap). But hey, I'm not gonna sit alone in front of the tv eating Ben n Jerrys. So tonight: dinner with the girls, and we'll se what happens after that. Yeah Boy!
ps. Pink Floyd rules!

fredag 13 februari 2009

When someone says popcorn, do u think of the snack or the song? Anyway, this is an adorable version of the song.

tisdag 10 februari 2009

I want my hair strawberry blonde.
Hehe, have to be at school 5.45 tomorrow! Going skiing, then we're spending the night in Borlänge. I'm gonna look unbelievably hot in my ski-jacket and non-matching pants.....Yeah Right.

Eeh...Random picture, but we like chocolate! Or...You know, the wrapping..

måndag 9 februari 2009

Monday night means streetdance. I put on a pair of sweatpants and play gangsta for an hour. Learned a cool partytrick, just need some muscles to make it work. And maybe some balance.
Imperiet - I Hennes Sovrum.
It is good. It is so good I don't know what to do. LoveitLoveitLoveitLoveitLoveitLoveit!
Tomorrow: Fettisdagen. Also known as:A day dedicated to all us fattys! Yeah, me liky! But. Since I'm a little ahead of everyone else (as usual) I'm eating my first semla today. And it is good.

söndag 8 februari 2009

SOMG(Soo Oh My God). I am so sick of winter. I want spring. I don't need summer right now, just a a decent temperature, enough so you don't freeze to death when waiting for the late bus home. 15 degrees or something would be totally fine.

Dunno why this photo is so spring to me. But it is.
Sunday today. Monday tomorrow. As usual I just can't wait to get back to my lovely school that I adore soo much.
AND: I want the new converse shoe model. It's slim. And i like it.
Listening to jazz. It's wierd.
The plan was to get skinny. But unfortunately, I love food too much. Yeah!

torsdag 5 februari 2009

Maybe...Maybe I should blog in English. Or, I don't know, write about things that have like a "röd tråd", things in the same context....or something..
And just so you know, maman did something with the tv and now we have comedy central. South park 19.00 tonight! Hehe, I'm easy to please..And I like it.
Nationellt prov i svenska. Tema: Nattliv. Jag skrev något asluddigt om tvillingsjälar i natten. Men min svenskalärare älskar mig, förutom min handstil kanske, så jag har ändå ett stort fett MVG i svenska!
Och btw, vaccin och förkylning är ingen bra kombination. Hela kroppen darrar. Kalaspuffar och Friends brukar funka bra.

onsdag 4 februari 2009

Fan, en repris av Barcelona skulle man inte banga på.
Skitbra foto, I know, mitt största intresse forever!

tisdag 3 februari 2009

Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way. Mina öron blir glada. Men sömn behövs just nu. 10h eller nåt skulle sitta fint.

måndag 2 februari 2009

...Har fortfarande ingen om vad jag ska skriva om. Kan ju alltid bli wannabe-scenekid och börja foto och köra på fotoblogg-grejen. Eller kanske inte. För jag gillar inte att fota. Äter på häftstift. Smakar järn i munnen, svullet tandkött.

Saltvattenspray - Everything You Need!

söndag 1 februari 2009


Har nu hakat på den sk bloggtrenden, långt efter alla andra som vanligt men det gillar vi. Ingen jävla aning om vad jag ska skriva om men det löser sig. Som alltid.